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The publication documents provided are the author's accepted versions
The final versions are provided by the respective publishers.
Peer Reviewed Publications

Khan M.S., Charissis V., Godsiff P., Wood Z., Falah J.F., Alfalah S.F.M.; Harrison D.K., (2022), Improving User Experience and Communication of Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services (DEAS) Offers in Manufacturing Sector. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2022, 6, 21.

(Open Access Journal)

Khan M.S., Charissis V., and Harrison, D.K. (2022). Utilising Gamification and Virtual Environments to present Digitally Enhanced Advanced Services (DEAS) for the Financial Sector, in FTC 2022, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Springer, 14p. (accepted)

Charissis V., Khan M.S., and Harrison, D.K. (2022). Servitization through VR Serious Games: From Manufacturing to Consumer Electronics, in HCII 2022, Lecture Notes in Computing Science (LNCS), Springer, 12p. (in print)

Khan M.S., Charissis V., and Harrison, D.K. (2022). Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector?  in HCII 2022, Lecture Notes in Computing Science (LNCS), Springer, 12p. (in print)

Charissis V., Falah J., Lagoo R., Alfalah S.F.M., Khan S., Wang S., Altarteer S., Larbi, Bramb-Larbi K.F., and Drikakis D., (2021). Employing Emerging Technologies to Develop and Evaluate In-Vehicle Intelligent Systems for Driver Support: Infotainment AR HUD Case Study; Applied Sciences. MDPI; 11, no. 4: 1397.

(Open Access Journal)

Abuhammad A., Falah J., Alfalah S., Abu-Tarboush M., Tarawneh R., Drikakis D., and Charissis V., (2021). “MedChemVR”: A Virtual Reality Game to Enhance Medicinal Chemistry Education, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, SI: 3D Human-Computer Interaction, MDPI; 5(3):10.

(Open Access Journal)

Falah J., Wedyan M., Alfalah S.F.M., Abu-Tarboush, M., Al-Jakheem, A. Al-Faraneh, M. Abuhammad A.,  and Charissis, V., (2021). Identifying the Characteristics of Virtual Reality Gamification for Complex Educational Topics. Multimodal Technol. Interact. SI: 3D Human-Computer Interaction, MDPI; 5(9):53.

(Open Access Journal)

Bram-Larbi K.F., Charissis V., Khan S., Lagoo R., Harrison D.K. and Drikakis D. (2021), Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Manoeuvring System with the Use of Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence, Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), Vancouver, Canada, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1363. Springer, Cham. 

M. Frank, D. Drikakis and V. Charissis, (2020), Machine Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering, Computation (Journal), Computational Engineering Section, MDPI, 8(1), 15;, ISSN 2079-3197, pp 1-36.

(Open Access Journal)

* Best Journal Paper Award 2020- 2022 

K.F. Bram-Larbi, V. Charissis, S. Khan, R. Lagoo, D.K. Harrison and D. Drikakis, (2020), Improving Emergency Vehicles’ Response Times with the Use of Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence,  HCI International Conference 2020 in In:: VR and AR in Automotive Research, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol, pp, . Springer Nature, Berlin / Heidelberg.Copenhagen, Denmark

K.F. Bram-Larbi, V. Charissis, S. Khan, R. Lagoo, D.K. Harrison and D. Drikakis, (2020), Collision Avoidance Head-Up Display: Design Considerations for Emergency Services’ Vehicles,2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICCE46568.2020.9043068.

S. Altarteer and V. Charissis, (2019), Technology Acceptance Model for 3D Virtual Reality System in Luxury Brands Online Stores, IEEE Access Journal, vol 7, pp 64053-64062,  DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2916353

(Open Access Journal)

R. Lagoo, V. Charissis, and D. K. Harrison, (2019), Mitigating Driver’s Distraction: Automotive Head-Up Display and Gesture Recognition System, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol8, no 5, pp 79-85, DOI: 10.1109/MCE.2019.2923896

S. M. Khan, V. Charissis, and S. Sakellariou, (2019), Exploring the Development Requirements for Virtual Reality Gait Analysis, In: Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, MDPI, 3, 24, 22 p., mti-453849

(Open Access Journal)

S. Wang, V. Charissis, R. Lagoo, J. Campbell, and D. K. Harrison, (2019), Reducing Driver Distraction by Utilising Augmented Reality Head-Up Display System for Rear Passengers, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, DOI: 10.1109/ICCE.2019.8661927.

R. Lagoo, V. Charissis, W. Chan, S.Khan and D. Harrison (2018), Prototype Gesture Recognition Interface for Vehicular Head-Up Display System, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE- ICCE), Las Vegas, pp.1-6, DOI: 10.1109/ICCE.2018.8326146.

S. Altarteer, V. Charissis, D. K. Harrison and W. Chan, (2017), Development and Heuristic Evaluation of Semi-immersive Hand-Gestural Virtual Reality Interface for Luxury Brands Online Stores. In: De Paolis L., Bourdot P., Mongelli A. (eds) Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics. AVR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10325. Springer, Chem.

S.Wang, V.Charissis, and D.Harrison, (2017) Augmented Reality Prototype HUD for Passenger Infotainment in a Vehicular Environment,  in Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ),vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 634-641.

(Open Access Journal)

S.Altarteer, V.Charissis, D.Harrison and W.Chan, (2016), Product Customisation: Virtual Reality and New Opportunities for Luxury Brands Online Trading, International Conference on 3D Web Technology/ACM SIGGRAPH, 22-24 Anaheim, California, USA.

S.Wang, V.Charissis, J. Campbell, W.Chan, D. Moore and D.Harrison, (2016) An investigation into the use of virtual reality technology for passenger infotainment in a vehicular environment,  International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering (IEEE - ICAMSE), pp 404 - 407, DOI: 10.1109/ICAMSE.2016.7840359, Beijing, China.

V. Charissis, W. Chan, S Khan, R., Lagoo, (2015), Improving Human Responses with the use of prototype HUD interface, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, Kobe, Japan.

O. Pahl, K.P.M. Helwig, C. Dagot, C. Russel, V. Charissis, et. al. (2015), Interreg IV B NWE project partnership 2012 – 2015 noPILLS in the Waters report, FP& EU Project Final Report, Emschergenossenschaft, Essen Germany.

J. Falah, V. Charissis, M. S. Khan, S. Alfalah, W. Chan, & D.K. Harrison, (2015), Virtual Reality Medical Training System for Anatomy Education, In: Studies in Computational Intelligence Journal, Springer Verlag Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg

V.Charissis, (2014) Enhances Human Responses through Augmented Reality Head-Up Display in Vehicular Environment, in Proceedings of 11th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World, (IEEE CEWIT 2014), Melville Marriott, October 29-30, Long Island, New York, USA.

M. S., Khan, W. Chan, S., Sakellariou, D., Harrison, and V., Charissis, (2014), Development and Evaluation of Prototype Virtual Reality Telemedicine System For Asynchronous Gait Analysis, In: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Setting (AHT IET 2014), September 17-18, London, UK.

S. Alfalah, J. Falah, M. S. Khan, T. Alfalah, W. Chan, D.K. Harisson, and V. Charissis, (2014), Gait Analysis Data Visualisation in Virtual Environment, in Proceedings of Science and Information Conference (IEEE SAI 2014), August 27-29, London, UK.

J. Falah, M. S. Khan, T. Alfalah, S. Alfalah, W. Chan, D.K. Harisson, and V. Charissis, (2014), Virtual Reality Medical Training System for Anatomy Education, In  Proceedings of Science and Information Conference (IEEE SAI 2014), August 27-29, London, UK.

J. Falah, V. Charissis, M. S. Khan, W. Chan, S. Alfalah, and D.K. Harisson,  (2014), Development and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Medical Training System for Anatomy Education, In Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg.

V. O. Nyamse, C. Parker, V. Charissis, D. Moore, and J. Murray,  (2014), Learning outcomes: a tool for informing the design of computerized anatomy educational tools, Journal of Anatomy 224 (2).

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, W. Chan and E. Peytchev, (2013), Evolution of a full-windshield HUD designed for current VANET communication standards, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems International Conference (IEEE ITS), The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 1637-1643, DOI: 10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728464

S. Alfalah, D.K. Harisson, V. Charissis, and D. Evans, (2013), Investigation of Multimodal Interaction and 3D Simulation Environment for Prototype Healthcare System, in Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM), N. Mustafee, and K. Katsaliaki, Vol. 26 Iss: 1/2, pp.183 - 197, ISSN: 1741-0398.

M. S., Khan, V., Charissis, D., Harrison, S., Sakellariou, & W. Chan, (2013). Asynchronous Telemedicine Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Injuries through a Prototype Interface in Virtual Reality Environment. In: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 8022, pp, 50-59. Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg.

S., Alfalah, D. K. Harrison, & V. Charissis, (2013). Gait Analysis Management and Diagnosis in a Prototype Virtual Reality Environment. In: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 8022, 2013, pp 3-11, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg.

S. A. A., Altarteer, V., Charissis, & D. Harrison, (2013). Interactive Virtual Reality Shopping and the Impact in Luxury Brands. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Springer.

J. F. M., Falah, D., Harrison, V., Charissis, & B. Wood, (2013). The Characterisation of a Virtual Reality System to Improve the Quality and to Reduce the Gap between Information Technology and Medical Education. In: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: (LNCS), Volume 5622, 2009, pp 605-614, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg

V. O., Nyamse, V., Charissis, D., Moore, C., Parker, M. S., Khan, & W. Chan, (2013). The Design Considerations of a Virtual Reality Application for Heart Anatomy and Pathology Education. In:: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol 8022, pp, 66-73. Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg.

V. O., Nyamse, V., Charissis, D., Moore, C., Parker, (2012) Using Sound in a Computerized Anatomy Educational Tool: a case for using educational psychology based design method, in Journal of Anatomy 223 (1).

D. Manuel, D. Moore, V. Charissis, (2012), An Investigation into Immersion in Games Through Motion Control and Stereo Audio Reproduction, in Proceedings of Audio Mostly (AM2012), ACM SIGCHI, September 25-27 2012, Corfu, Greece.

S. Alfalah, D.K. Harisson, V. Charissis, and D. Evans, (2012), The Role of 3D Simulation to Aid Podiatry Diagnosis, in Proceedings of the Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop 2012 (SW12) B.Tjahjono, C. Heavey, S. Onggo, and D-J. van der Zee, eds., 27-28 March 2012, Worcestershire, England, UK., Palgrave Macmillan.

S., Alfalah, D., Harrison, V., Charissis, & D. Evans, (2012). A web-based application to enhance medical data visualisation. Baines, T., Clegg, B., & Harrison, D. (Eds.), In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXVI: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2012), pp. 329-334.

S. Altarteer, V. Charissis, D.K. Harisson, (2012), Investigation of emerging technologies in luxury brands e-commerce. Baines, T., Clegg, B., & Harrison, D. (Eds.), In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXVI: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2012), pp. 354-359, Birmingham: Aston University.

V. Charissis, (2011), Investigation of Prototype Full-Windshield Head-Up Display Interface Impact on Users' Driving Patterns under Adverse Weather Conditions in Proc of AUTO2: Display in Vehicles / The 18th International Display Workshops (IDW 11), 6-8 Dec, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan.

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou and S. Arafat, (2011), Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Prototype Head-Up Display Interface for Older Drivers, Book title: Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Mobile and Intelligent Interaction Environments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6763, ISBN 978-3-642-21615-2, pp 367-375, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

S. Sakellariou, V. Charissis, S. Grant, J. Turner, D. Kelly, and C. Christomanos, (2011), Virtual Reality Environment as Knowledge Enhancement Tool for Musculoskeletal Pathology, Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual and Mixed Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J Schumaker, R (Ed), Vol. 6774, ISBN 978-3-642-22023-4, pp 54-63, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

J. D. Moore, S. Boslem, and V. Charissis, (2011), Optimisation of Sound Localisation for Emergency Vehicle Sirens through Prototype Audio System, Book title: Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. A., Jacko (Ed), Vol. 6770, ISBN 978-3-642-21707-4, pp 177-186, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

V. Charissis, G. Vlachos and S. Arafat, (2011), On the Impact of Early Warning Collision Avoidance Information through Prototype Head-Up Display for Older Drivers, to appear in Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2011, 12-14 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

S. Boslem, D. J. Moore and V. Charissis, (2011), Investigating the Improvement of the Localisation Propensity and Impact of the Emergency Vehicle Sirens, in Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2011, 12-14 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

S. Alfalah, D.K. Harisson, V. Charissis, and D. Evans, (2011), Optimised Multimedia Application for Improved Medical Visualisation, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Research ICMR 2011, Glasgow, UK.

V. Charissis, G. Vlachos, S. Arafat and W. Chan, (2010),  Early Notification Warning System for Prototype Head-Up Display: Development and Evaluation of Traffic Congestion and Sharp Turn Warnings, To appear in Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2010, 12-15 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA. 

V. Charissis, and S. Papanastasiou (2010), Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head-Up Display Interface, in International Journal of Cognition, Technology and Work, P. C. Cacciabue and E. Hollangel (eds.) Springer London Ltd Volume 12, Number 1 (2010), pp 41-50, DOI: 10.1007/s10111-008-0117

V. Charissis, J. Kutt, G. Vlachos, and W. Chan, (2010), Bridging Car-Design and Engineering: Evolving Towards Immersive Virtual Reality Environments, in Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2010, 12-15 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA. 

V. Charissis, C.R. Zimmer, S. Sakellariou, and W.Chan, (2010), Development of virtual reality simulation for regional anaesthesia training, Presented at the International Annual Symposium of IS&T/SPIE, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, 17-21 January, San Jose, California, USA.

S. Grant, D. Kelly, J. Turner, V. Charissis, and D. Chanock, (2010), Development of Real-Time 3D Web-based Application for General Practitioners and Patient Users on Back Pain, in Proceedings of the International Conference of Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), 4-8 September, SECC Glasgow, UK.

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, and G. Vlachos, (2009), Interface Development for Early Notification Warning System: Full Windshield Head-Up Display Case Study, Book title: Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume, ISBN, pp, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 

S. Sakellariou, B. Ward, V. Charissis, D. Chanock, and P. Anderson, (2009), Design and Implementation of Augmented Reality Environment for Complex Anatomy Training: Inguinal Canal Case Study, Book title: Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume, ISBN, pp, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

S. Sakellariou, V. Charissis, B. Ward, D. Chanock, and P. Anderson, (2009), A Novel Approach to CT Scans’ Interpretation Via Incorporation into a VR Human Model,  Book title: Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume, ISBN, pp, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, and G. Vlachos, (2008), Comparative Study of Prototype Automotive HUD vs. HDD: Collision Avoidance Simulation and Results, in Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2008, 14-17 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA. (Best Presentation Award)

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, and G. Vlachos, (2008), Investigation of Users’ Age and Driving Performance With the Use of Prototype Automotive HUD System, in Proceedings of the 15th World Congress in Intelligent Transportation Systems and ITS America's 2008 Annual Meeting: ITS America. Washington, DC: ITS IEEE, 16-20 November, New York City, NY, USA.

V. Charissis, and S. Papanastasiou, (2008), Artificial Intelligence Rationale for Autonomous Vehicle Agents Behaviour in Driving Simulation Environment, book chapter in the “Robotics, Automation and Control” Aramburo J. and Trevino, A., R., (Eds), I-Tech Education and Publishing KG, Vienna, Austria, EU, pp314-332, ISBN 953761916-8I.

V. Charissis, M. Naef, S. Arafat, and G. Vlachos, (2008), On the Impact of User’s Computer Knowledge on Driving Simulation Test Results - HUD Simulation Case Study, in Proceedings of the European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, EAM’08, TU Delft, Netherlands.

V. Charissis, B.M. Ward, M. Naef, D. Rowley, L. Brady and P. Anderson, (2008), An Enquiry into VR Interface Design for Medical Training: VR Augmented Anatomy Tutorials for Breast Cancer" in The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2008, 27-31 January, San Jose, California, edited by Ian E. McDowall, Margaret Dolinsky, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6804 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2008) 680404.

V. Charissis, J. Ramsay, B. Sharples, M. Naef, and B.S. Jones, (2008), 3D Stereoscopic Design of Submersive Rescue Vehicle and Rescue Mission Simulation, in International Conference of Warship 2008: Naval Submarines, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 10-11 June, Glasgow, UK. 

V. Charissis, B.M. Ward, S. Sakellariou, I. Parkin, D. Rowley and P.Anderson, (2008), Augmented Reality Anatomy Training for Inguinal Canal Region, 20th Anniversary International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, July 24 – 30, 2008 in Baden-Baden, Germany.

V. Charissis, and M. Naef, (2008), Functionality Simulation of Prototype Products Through Virtual Reality: Automotive Head-Up Display CaseStudy, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Systems Research in the Arts and Humanities, part of the 20th Anniversary International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, July 24 – 30, 2008 in Baden-Baden, Germany.

V. Charissis, B.M. Ward, S. Sakellariou, D. Chanock, D. Rowley and P.Anderson, (2008), Medical Visualisation, Augmented Reality and Anatomy Training: An Intuitive Approach of Visual Arts and Medicine, Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association for Medical Humanities UK (AMH 08), 8-9 of July, Glasgow, UK.

D. Chanock, S. Sakellariou, V. Charissis, B.M. Ward, I. Parkin, and P.Anderson, (2008), Development of the Inguinal Canal Region in 3D for Augmented Reality Anatomy Training, poster-publication in the launch of the Centre for Education in Medicine, Woolfson, Medical School, University of Glasgow, 12th of September, Glasgow, UK.

S. Sakellariou, D. Chanock, V. Charissis, B.M. Ward and P. Anderson, (2008), Incorporation of CT Scan Images Into Virtual Reality 3D Human Model: Anatomy and CT Interpretation, poster-publication in the launch of the Centre for Education in Medicine, Woolfson, Medical School, University of Glasgow, 12th of September, Glasgow, UK.

B.M. Ward, V. Charissis, D. Rowley, P. Anderson, and L. Brady, (2008). An evaluation of prototype VR medical training environment: applied surgical anatomy training for malignant breast disease. Journal of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 132(16), pp 500-505


B.M. Ward, V. Charissis, I. Young, D. Rowley, and O.J. Garden, (2008), An Inquiry into the applications and Validation of Volumetric 3D Anatomy, in Proceedings of the SARS International Conference, Birmingham, UK.


B.M. Ward, V. Charissis, D. Rowley, and P. Anderson, (2008), Surgical Education: applied Virtual Anatomy: Can Virtual Reality Augment Postgraduate Anatomy Teaching? In: Proceedings of the British Association of Day Surgery Conference. British Association of Day Surgery.

D. Chanock, V. Charissis, B.M. Ward, L. Brady, and P. Anderson, (2008), Enhanced 3D Visualisation: Augmenting Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Training, in Proceedings of the United Kingdom Radiological Congress (UKRC 2008), Birmingham, UK.

B.M. Ward, D. Chanock, V. Charissis, L. Brady, and P. Anderson, (2008), Interpreting Lung Collapse: A Randomised Controlled Study into the Impact of Three-Dimensional Animation, in Proceedings of the United Kingdom Radiological Congress (UKRC 2008), Birmingham, UK.

B.M. Ward, V. Charissis, D. Rowley, P. Anderson, and L. Brady, (2008), An Evaluation of Prototype VR Medical Training Environment: Applied Surgical Anatomy Training for Malignant Breast Disease, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, Long Beach, California, USA.

P. Anderson, and V. Charissis, (2008), Scottish Funding Council Report for Feasibility Study for a Scottish Medical Visualisation Network, Report, Digital Design Studio, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK. (Report)

S. Papanastasiou, M. Ould-Khaoua and V. Charissis, (2007), A survey of MAC Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Book title: Advances in Wireless Networks: Performance Modelling, Analysis and Enhancement Sub-Title:Analysis, Evaluation and Enhancement of QoS for Wireless Multimedia Book- Chapter, Geyong Min Yi Pan, Pingzhi Fan (Eds) ISBN: 1-60021-713-3

V. Charissis, M. Naef, S. Papanastasiou, and M.Patera, (2007), Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment, Book title: Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4551/2007, ISBN 978-3-540-73106-1, pp 551-559, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg  


S. Papanastasiou, M. Ould-Khaoua and V. Charissis, (2007), The Effect of TRS/TCS handshake on TCP, in Proceedings of IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA '07), Niagara Falls, Ontario, 21 – 23 May 2007, Canada.

V. Charissis, and M. Naef, (2007), Evaluation of Prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface: Testing Driver’s Focusing Ability through a VR Simulation, in Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, (IV ‘07), Istanbul, Turkey, p560-565.

V. Charissis, S. Arafat, M. Patera, C. Christomanos and W. Chan, (2007), AI for Driving Simulator for Driving Vehicles and Accident Events, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, AIA’07, as part of the 25th International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria.

V. Charissis, M. Naef, and M. Patera, (2007), Calibration requirements of an automotive HUD Interface using a Virtual Environment: Methodology and Implementation, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Graphics and Visualisation in Engineering, GVE’07, Clearwater, Florida, USA.

V. Charissis and M. Patera, (2007), Symbolic vs Alphanumeric Representations in Human Machine Interface Design, In Proceedings of The 9th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, (IASS-AIS 07) Helsinki/Imatra, Finland.

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, and M. Patera, (2007), Human Machine Interface for Prototype Head-Up Display: Comparative study between 2D and VR Simulation Results, in Proceedings of Transport Science and Technology Congress, (TRANSTEC ’07), Prague, Czech Republic.

V. Charissis, S. Nomicos and M. Patera, (2007), Prototype System for Virtual Reality Simulation and Training: Initial Implementation for Large Printing Units, 3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (3rd ICTVC 07), Thessaloníki, Greece.

S. Nomicos, V. Charissis, M. Tsigonias and J. Dargentas, (2007), E-Paper vs Paper: A comparative study for future applications, 3rd International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (3rd ICTVC 07), Thessaloníki, Greece.

V. Charissis, (2007), Enhancement of Human Spatial and Situational Awareness with the use of visual HMI interface in HUD Applications, PhD Thesis, University of Glasgow/ Glasgow School of Art, Digital Design Studio, Glasgow, UK.

V. Charissis, S. Arafat, W. Chan and C. Christomanos, (2006), Driving Simulator for Head-Up Display Evaluation: Driver’s Response Time on Accident Simulation Cases, Driving Simulator Conference, Asia /Pacific DSC’06, Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, (AIST), Tsukuba/Tokyo, Japan.


V. Charissis and S. Papanastasiou, (2006), Exploring the ad hoc network requirements of an automotive Head-Up Display Interface, 5th International Conference on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP’06 (IEEE), Patras, Greece.

S. Papanastasiou, L.M. Mackenzie, M. Ould-Khaoua and V. Charissis, (2006), On the interaction of TCP and Routing Protocols in MANETs, in Proceedings of Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, AICT’06, (IEEE), Guadalupe, French Caribbean.

V. Charissis, and P. Anderson, (2006), Enhancing driver’s vision with the use of prototype Automotive Head-Up Display Interface, Vision In Vehicles, 11th International Conference, VIV‘06, Trinity College, Ireland.

V. Charissis, S. Papanastasiou, and P. Anderson, (2006), Human-Machine Collaboration Through Vehicle Head-Up Display Interface, European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, EAM’06, Valenciennes, France. (3rd Best Paper Award)

V. Charissis, and S. Papanastasiou, (2006), Design and Evaluation of an Automotive Full-Windshield Head-Up Display interface: Low visibility guidance & navigation, Visualisation, Imaging and Image Processing, VIIP'06, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

T. Kenny, D. Anthony, V. Charissis, Y. Darawish and P. Keir, (2004), Integrated Vehicle Instrument Simulations: i-ViS Initial Design Philosophy. 3rd International Conference on Total Vehicle Technology (TVT 2004), Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), University of Sussex, Brighton, UK pp. 125-132, ISBN 3-8167-6577-7

T. Kenny, D. Anthony, V. Charissis, Y. Darawish and P. Keir, (2004), Solutions for the virtual product development of Integrated Vehicle Instrument Simulations (i-ViS). Tagungsband, 'Virtual Development and Training', 7. IFF-Wissenschaftstage, Fraunhofer-Institut fur Fabrikbetrieb und automatisierung, Magdeburg, Germany pp. 125-132, ISBN 3-8167-6577-7

V. Charissis, (2003), Off-Road Concept Vehicle: Dynamically Configurable Vehicle, MPhil Thesis, University of Glasgow / Glasgow School of Art, Digital Design Studio, Glasgow, UK.

V. Charissis, P. Anderson, T. Kenny, (2006), [11 Jun 2004], Dynamically Configured Vehicle, Patent 2, Application GB-2424398-A, Divisional earlier date under section 15 GB2424398 28 June 2006 (GB0413016.7) in Patent and Design Journal no 6123. (Patent 2)

V. Charissis (2003), Dynamically Configured Vehicle, Patent 1, Application GB-2402658-A, Divisional earlier date under section 15 GB2424398 (GB0612778.1) 28 June 2006 GB0413016.7 in Patent and Design Journal no 6121 (Patent 1)

Invited Lectures
  1. V.Charissis,(2017), Current Research Projects and Future Trends in Virtual and Augmented Reality, British Computing Society,                        (BCS Public Invited Lecture)

  2. V.Charissis (2016), VirtualReality and simulation in Engineering - STEM Lecture,  Institute of Physics & Aerospace Kinross, Kinross, Scotland.

  3. V.Charissis, W. Chan, S Khan, R., Lagoo, (2015) Improving Human Responses with the use of prototype HUD interface, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015, Kobe, Japan.

  4. V. Charissis, (2014), Alternative Realities: Simulation and Interaction - Professorial Inaugural Lecture, Deeprose Amphitheatre, Glasgow Caledonian University, December 3, Glasgow, UK.

  5. V. Charissis, (2014), IEEE CEWIT International Conference, Enhancing Human Responses through Augmented Reality Head-Up Display in Vehicular Environment, New York, Long Island, USA. (CEWIT Stony Brook University Invited Lecture)

  6. V.Charissis, (2013), IET Intelligent Transportation systems - From Blueprints to Virtual Reality Simulation, IET, Teacher’s Building, Glasgow, 27-Feb-2013 (IET Public Invited Lecture)

  7. V.Charissis, (2011), BCS Virtualisation - Synthetic Worlds: Virtual and Augmented Reality systems and applications                                           (BCS Public Invited Lecture)

  8. V.Charissis, (2011), JISC RSC Scotland Future Focus The Doctor will see you now…in 3D! IET, Teacher’s Building, Glasgow, (10/06/2011),        (IET Public Invited Lecture)

  9. V. Charissis, (2011), Investigation of Prototype Full-Windshield Head-Up Display Interface Impact on Users' Driving Patternsunder Adverse Weather Conditions in Proc of AUTO2: Display in Vehicles / The 18th International Display Workshops (IDW 11), 6-8 Dec, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan. (IDW Invited Lecture)

  10. V. Charissis, J. Kutt, G. Vlachos, and W. Chan, (2010), Bridging Car-Design and Engineering: Evolving Towards Immersive Virtual Reality Environments, at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress 2010, 12-15 April, Detroit, Michigan, USA.                                  (SAE Technical Keynote Presentation)

  11. V. Charissis, (2009), Human-Machine Interfaces for Complex Mechanical Systems, to be presented in Department of Technology of Graphic Arts, Mechanical Engineering for Large Printing Units Module, Technological and Educational Institute of Athens, Athens, Greece. (Invited lecture)

  12. V.Charissis and C. R. Zimmer, (2009), A Novel Approach to Regional Anaesthesia Training Via Utilisation of Virtual Reality Technology, 16 -19 November, British Anaesthesia Annual Conference, Inverness. (Invited speaker)

  13. P. Anderson and V.Charissis, (2009), Developing 3D Interactive Anatomy, International Surgical Congress of the Association of Surgeons of the Great Britain and Ireland, 13-15 May, SECC, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  14. V. Charissis, (2008), Design Issues of Head-Up Displays and Driving Simulators: A European Perspective, presented in UCTC Annual Conference, University of California Santa Barbara, California, USA. (Invited speaker)

  15. V. Charissis, (2008), Prototype System for Virtual Reality Simulation and Training: Initial Implementation for Large Printing Units, presented in Department of Technology of Graphic Arts, Mechanical Engineering for Large Printing Units Module, Technological and Educational Institute of Athens, Athens, Greece. (Invited lecture)

  16. P. Anderson and V. Charissis, (2008), The Formalisation of the Scottish Medical Visualisation Network, Annual Symposium of Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians of Glasgow, 29-30 May, Centre of Health Science, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, UK. (Invited lecture)

  17. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Interpreting Lung Collapse Cases A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Simulation, lecture at Victoria Infirmary to the 4th year medical students of University of Glasgow, 11th of February, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  18. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Understanding the Inguinal Canal: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction, lecture at Victoria Infirmary to the 4th year medical students of University of Glasgow, February 11, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  19. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Anatomy of the Shoulder: Advanced 3D Correlation with Ultrasound Imaging, lecture to MSc Ultrasound Course, Glasgow Caledonian University March 17, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  20. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Anatomy of Shoulder: Combinatory Investigation with the use of Ultrasound Imaging, 3D Modelling and Real-Life Demonstration, lecture to 4ht year Medical Students of University of Glasgow, Ayr Hospital, Ayr, June 30, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  21. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Ultrasound scanning of shoulder: 3D Anatomical Reconstruction and Simulation, lecture to West of Scotland Radiology Registrars, Aila Hospital, Ayr, June 30, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  22. D. Chanock, and V. Charissis, (2008), Lung Collapse Cases: Virtual Demonstration, lecture to West of Scotland Radiology Registrars, Aila Hospital, Ayr, June 30, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

  23. V. Charissis, (2005), Human Machine Interfaces: Contemporary issues and potentials, presented in the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Caledonian University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK. (Invited lecture)

Media Publications and Interviews

V.Charissis (2020) - Digital Twin Cities., Strategy Analytics Podcast, 

UX Soup, the new podcast from the UX Innovation Practice at Strategy Analytics.  (coming soon)


V.Charissis (2016) - Virtual Reality:Current Trends and Future., Scotsman Newspaper, 

Professor Vassilis Charissis of Glasgow Caledonian University and Andrew Dobbie of MadeBrave discuss the future of virtual reality as part of our series on investing in Scotland in association with Scottish Development International.

V.Charissis(2015) - STV 9 o'clock News - Science : Virtual Reality (TV Interview).

V.Charissis (2015) – Driven to Success - GCU Magazine, Winter/Spring 2015, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow,UK


V.Charissis (2014) – Putting Scotland’s new Drink Drive limit to test - 5th of December 2014

Radio and TV Interview that was presented in the news across 13 radio stations in UK.

Clyde 1: (Glasgow)


V.Charissis (2014), Daily Record - Friday 26th of September– 2 pages publication- of GCU achievement in the field and interview.


V.Charissis (2014), Daily Mail:


V.Charissis (2014), Wordless Tech:


V.Charissis (2014), FleetNews:


V.Charissis (2014), UK_Daily:


V.Charissis (2014), Le Figaro - Article for Jaguar and our HUD (last paragraph)


V.Charissis (2014), WallStreet Online - Germany


V.Charissis (2014), PressText


V.Charissis (2014), ComputerWelt:


V.Charissis (2014), PRAD_Inside Display Technologies:


V.Charissis (2014), AdHoc NEWS:


V.Charissis (2014), 3D News Russia:


V.Charissis (2014), NEWS Russia:


V.Charissis (2014), SG Hungary


V.Charissis and J. Sykes (2011), American Telemedicine Association - international conference

(TV Interview), Tampa, Florida, USA.


V. Charissis, (2007), Making Waves, Flow Magazine, Autumn / Winter vol 11, November 2007, The Magazine of The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK.


V. Charissis, (2003), ARTERY Broadcast Series, Scottish ITV, July 2003. The episode was presenting the most innovative car-designers and engineers of Scotland. Interviewed regarding the Dynamically Configurable Vehicle. Scottish ITV, Glasgow, UK. (TV Interview

Reviewer & Editorial Work
  1. Applied Sciences (MDPI) Journal, Special Issue Editor - Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies - (2020 -2021)

  2. IEEE Consumer Electronics Society (CESoc), Member of Technical-Streams Committee (SCTC), Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Displays (VAR) Committee.

  3. IEEE Access Journal Reviewer (2019 - present) 

  4. Expert Reviewer (2020) for Canada Foundations for Innovation (CFI), large prototype infrastructure project proposal

  5. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (MDPI) Journal, Special Issue Editor - Digital Health Applications of Ubiquitous HCI Research - (2018-2019)

  6. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Reviewer

  7. Expert Reviewer (2014) for Canada Foundations for Innovation (CFI), large prototype infrastructure project proposal

  8. Expert Reviewer (2014) for Canada Foundations for Innovation (CFI), large prototype infrastructure project proposal

  9. Editor for IET special issue - Intelligent Transportation Systems (2013-2015).

  10. Reviewer IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (2013 - present)

  11. Reviewer IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Conference (2012-present)

  12. Reviewer for Wiley Publishing - 3D Visual Communications

  13. Expert Reviewer for National Research Council of Canada (NRC), large funding (>$10M) project applications in the field of simulation systems (2010)

  14. Expert Reviewer for Virtual Reality (VIRE) Journal by Springer Journals (2010 -present).

  15. Reviewer for the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress (2010 - present)

  16. Reviewer for the 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 20010 part of the International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 10), 29 June-2 July, Orlando, Florida, USA, (2010).

  17. Reviewer for the The 5th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ECEI 2010), University of Athens, Athens, Greece16-17 September, (2010).

  18. Reviewer for the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEEE, ITS 08), 21-25 September, Stockholm, Sweden (2009).

  19. Reviewer for the 6th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2009 part of the International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 09), 29 June-2 July, Orlando, Florida, USA, (2009).

  20. Reviewer for the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEEE, ITS 08), 16-20 November, Jacob J Javits Convention Center, New York, USA, (2008).

  21. Reviewer for the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, (ITSC 08) October 12-15, Beijing, China, (2008).

  22. Reviewer for the 15th International Workshop in Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR 08), August 1-2, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, (2008).

  23. Reviewer for the 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2008 part of the International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 08), 29 June-2 July, Orlando, Florida, USA, (2008).

  24. Reviewer and Scientific Committee for the 27th European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, EAM’08, 11-13 June, TU Delft, Netherlands, (2008).

  25. Reviewer for the 8th International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 08), 1- 3 September, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, (2008).

  26. Reviewer for IEEE:  Special Issue on Evolution of Air-Interface Technologies for 4G Wireless Communications for IEEE Networks Magazine, (2006)

Scientific Committee - Conference Chair / Organiser
  1. Chair (2015), ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop Head Up Displays

  2. Co-Chair IEEE (2014) for Big Data Architecture and analytics session, in International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World, (IEEE CEWIT 2014), Melville Marriott, October 29-30, Long Island, New York, USA.

  3. Programme Committee, (2015), of the Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2015, Las Vegas, USA.

  4. Chair of Virtual Reality in Engineering session, (2015), of the Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2015, Las Vegas, USA.

  5. Programme Committee, (2014), of the Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2014, Las Vegas, USA.

  6. Programme Committee, (2013), of the Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2013, Las Vegas, USA.

  7. Chair of Virtual Reality in Medicine session, (2013), of the Human Computer Interaction International, HCII 2013, Las Vegas, USA.

  8. Chair  (2011) of AUTO2: Display in Vehicles / The 18th International Display Workshops (IDW 11), 6-8 Dec, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan.

  9. Programme Committee (2010), of the The 5th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ECEI 2010), University of Athens, Athens, Greece16-17 September, (2010).

  10. Co-Chair IEEE (2007), for the Driver Assistance Systems Session, at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, (IV ‘07), Istanbul, Turkey.

  11. Organiser and Scientific Committee (2007), of the 1st Scottish Medical Visualisation Workshop, Glasgow, UK.

  12. Co-Organiser and Scientific Committee (2007), of the 2nd Scottish Medical Visualisation Workshop, Glasgow, UK.

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